- Register your nomination in the Demat Account before 31st Dec 2023. If you do not wish to register, please fill opt out form for nomination before 31st December '23. Else the account will be freeze from 1st January 2024
- Customer can do RTGS 24 x 7 using Net Banking Application
- Customer can do bill payment though Billdesk Payment Gateway using our Net Banking
- DICGC Premium paid upto 30/09/2024
- Account Viewing Facility Available
- Senior citizen 0.50% more interest rate on deposits of more than 1 year
- Franking of non-adhesive judicial stamps
- ATM cum Debit Card - RuPay Card Facility Available
- Bank Holiday on Second and Fourth Saturday
- Locker facility at 13 branches
- Net NPA 0%
- Mobile Banking Facility Available

Bank works as a Depository Participant of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) since last Fifteen years.
SEBI Reg. No. – INBI00001008. Our DPID is IN302293.
Broad details about Demat services and salient features of Demat Scheme are mentioned hereunder

The Concept Of Depository
The Government of India enacted the Depositories Act in August 1996, thus pioneering the concept, of Depositories and entering the age of paperless settlement of securities. NSDL was inaugurated as the first depository in India on November 8, 1996, which is promoted, by IDBI, UTI, SBI and NSE to provide electronic depository facilities for securities traded in equity and debt markets. Depository is an institution that dematerialize your shares in the electronic form. It is as good as if your shares are deposited in the Bank. In a bank, you can keep your money safely. Similarly, you can keep your shares of different companies in your demat account. We, as Depository Participant will work as NSDL’s agent. Individuals, FIIs, HUF and corporate can open an account with the DP.
Benefits Of Depository System
Periodic status reports to investors on their holdings, transactions, and even valuation of portfolio leading to better controls.
Proof Of Identity(POI) (Copy Of Any One Proof) :

Passport, Voter ID Card

Driving License

PAN Card with photograph
Identity Card/Document With Applicant's Photo,Issued By
Proof Of Identity(POI) (Copy Of Any One Proof) :

PAN Card with photograph MUST
Proof Of Address (POA) (Copy Of Any One Proof) :
Ration Card | Passport |
Voter ID Card | Driving License |
Bank Passbook or Statement | Verified copies of Electricity bills (not more than two months old)/ Residence Telephone bills (not more than two months old) |
Self-declaration by High Court & Supreme Court judges, giving the new address in respect of their own accounts.

Proof Of Address (POA) (Copy Of Any One Proof)
Investor charter – Annexure AInvestor charter – Annexure A
Investor charter – Annexure BInvestor charter – Annexure B
Investor charter – Demat Annexure CInvestor charter – Demat Annexure C
Do’s and Don’ts – Investor CharterDo’s and Don’ts – Investor Charter
Rights of Investor CharterRights of Investor Charter
Responsibilities of Investor CHARTERResponsibilities of Investor CHARTER
Applicable Taxes will be levied.
Saving account should be opened with any of our branches.
Demat charges can be debited to any of your account with any bank through ECS.
Bills outstanding for more than 30 days, interest @ 2% will be charged.
No, it is not mandatory. An investor, who is eligible for ASBA, has the option of making application through ASBA or through the existing facility of applying with cheque.
Once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.
Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor’s account.