Nutan Bank

Education Loan

Education Loan

  • This facility can be allowed for domestic / overseas study after completion of higher secondary school education.
  • Loan may be sanctioned against the security of properties/approved companies’ share in demat form, Govt. Securities/LIC policies/Our Bank’s FDRs etc.
  • Margin to be maintained as per the nature of securities offered.
  • Repayment period allowed up to 10 years.
  • Moratorium period allowed up to 12 months.
  • Repayment will start from the date of completion of moratorium or getting the employment, whichever is earlier.
  • For Study within India, maximum Secured Loan amount allowed upto Rs.20/- Lacs and For Foreign Education maximum Loan amount up to Rs.40/- Lacs will be allowed.
  • Unsecured Education loan a maximum amount up to Rs.4/- Lacs will be allowed on merit.
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