Nutan Bank

Letter OF Credit (L/C) / Bank Guarantee

Letter OF Credit (L/C) / Bank Guarantee

These facilities can be allowed to our borrowers only.

  • These proposals are to be assessed on the lines of fund based proposals, as the contingent liability can become fund based financial liability at any time.
  • L/Cs or Guarantees can be sanctioned with cash margin ranging from 10% to 100 %.
  • Inland Letter of credit on DP basis may normally be sanctioned with 10% to 30% margin.
  • Borrower has to retire documents under L/C when received from own sources. In case of L/C on DA basis say 60/90 days credit, Documents of L/C when received are delivered to the party against acceptance of the bills and they have to make payment on due date.
  • Borrowers financial capacity to make payment of bills when received or on due date, as the case may be, should be assessed before opening of the L/C.
  • Foreign L/C can be opened through the bank with which we have such arrangement by routing all papers through our Main Office only.
  • Foreign L/C can be opened through the bank with which we have such arrangement by routing all papers through our Main Office only.
  • In case of L/C on D.A. basis, unsecured portion of L/C should be secured by hypothecation of stocks equivalent in value and no finance to be given against the same. Guarantee may be performance guarantee, earnest money for tenders, security deposit etc. or Financial Guarantee like Advance money to be received against orders, releasing retention money etc.
  • Unsecured portion should not exceed the ceiling limit for clean advance and overall exposure norms. All guarantees issued by our bank must contain the limited liability clause, validity period and claim period very clearly and there should not be any ambiguity or uncertainty in this regards.
  • Counter guarantee of the Borrower, Margin money and collateral security, if any, are to be required before issuing guarantee.
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